Monday, July 9, 2007

Google Swallows Postini

I actually was expecting GOOG to buy up a Security company pretty soon considering how quickly it was expanding its hosted-applications suite. If you dissect the way GOOG has slowly invaded MSFT's traditional territory, it started with the Web, moving to the desktop, and now on to the enterprise level.
Right from searching the Web to looking for lost email on your desktop to mapping to price comparison and now to SAAS, Google is your go-to guy.

Thus, this purchase makes a whole lot of sense, not only from the pov of 'sensitive' companies (say banks, data aggregators) that may be chary of handing over control to a third-party (not just in terms of storing sensitive date etc) but also from GOOG's own pov in terms of compliance, due diligence in protecting data etc.
It'll help the CIOs of the hosted companies to relax a bit knowing their information is in 'good' hands. More credibility, more security, more protection.
Also important to note is that GOOG is working on making offline access to the hosted data possible using Google Gears. Now that's giving MSFT serious heartburn and sleepless nights. Wonder what other hapless ASPs are up to...

Be safe!

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