Friday, August 10, 2007

EMC's Purchase of Tablus

This is a really good buy - EMC is fast expanding its Security offerings. Coupled with its content management system, it's not that hard to see where EMC is headed. And you already know that EMC bought RSA - and the wealth of knowledge that comes from RSA is unparalleled. The main competitor to EMC, NetApp, has DeCru, but I have not read up much about it, although it seems like a very capable product.

Tablus makes content PROTECTION systems; you can call it 'leak management' systems. The idea is that an administrator will prepare a policy of what's sensitive and assign a grade of some kind. The system then parses through the various files and figures out if they match the criteria set in the policy. Based on settings it can block/inform/audit the actions that took place on the protected object.
You know the rest.

Be safe!

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